Thanks to the experience gained on ceramic materials in over 50 years of activity, ISTEC offers support to companies through a wide range of services ranging from collaboration in Research and Development activities of new production processes and products, to the characterization of materials and devices, up to the simulation of industrial processes and the creation of prototypes.

The tools through which collaboration with companies is expressed are defined in specific research and development contracts or technical-scientific consultancy contracts in which the commitments of the parties and the related management of intellectual property deriving from the collaboration are detailed.

ISTEC makes its skills available in many sectors, adopting a multidisciplinary approach and with particular attention to technological and application aspects.

I principi deontologici del personale degli Istituti di ricerca del CNR sono fissati dal decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 16 aprile 2013, n. 62: Regolamento recante codice di comportamento dei dipendenti pubblici.